BAF events are a journey towards a better understanding of truth — in Web 3 projects, in our relationships with others, and in our inner worlds.

Why BAF?

Our vision is to create an incentive-aligned, automated, and tax-exempt nonprofit that scales blockchain education, development, and adoption around the world.

Why BAF Events?

BAF is a proven, powerful community bridging the gap between web3 education and industry. We’re students for students; we organize meetups and events with top-tier industry experts, all moderated by students.

Meetups are co-organized by the blockchain clubs in our club network: any club is free to collaborate! We’ve organize dozens every year and are always looking to host more.

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👪 2000+ BAF Members

📅 50+ Events in 2021 💻 20+ Job Placements 🎓 50+ Partner Clubs

Event Format

Magic happens during BAF meetups: we connect researchers, introduce founders to prospective investors, and provide employment opportunities to our members across 50+ universities from around the world. BAF events are free, but ideally, this will change as we grow. sponsored

The format normally looks like: Our format begins with an intro (including introducing BAF and the club), a lecture or workshop, brief Q&A session, and closing remarks.

This might vary based on the speaker, topic, and setup! For example, it could be:

a) 5 min intro, 10-15 min lecture, 40 min Q&A, 5 min closing remarks b) 5 min intro, 55 min hands-on workshop, 10 Q&A, 5 min closing remarks

Try to engage in the chat and in the pre-event ice breaker:

Ask questions to make it personal: “Where are you guys tuning in from? Is this your first time at a BAF event? Have you heard of this project before?”

Concluding remarks: Thanking the speaker and everyone who organized the event. Share BAF updates and shoutouts to show recognition for the BAF members contributions

BAF meetups can be:

BAF meetups can’t be:

Event logistics