
Why I Made This

Hi 👋🏼 I'm Paige Doherty. When I made this notion doc, I was a Developer Success Engineer at WorkOS. Previously I spent ten months at TVC Capital as an investment analyst & before that three years at Northrop Grumman in engineering.

Now, I’m Founding Partner at Behind Genius Ventures, an early stage fund investing in the future of work and the future of play. I’ve written a children’s book about venture capital, Seed to Harvest, and now host a podcast called Seed to Harvest interviewing creators, founders, and investors.

When I was breaking into venture & startups - I had no idea where to even begin. So I have spent and continue to spend a ton of time reading, listening, and digging up information on the tech and VC ecosystem. This is the resource list I wish I had breaking in to this industry. I focused on actionable content & transparent looks at how our industry works.

If you’re reading this and are interested in suggesting a resource or sharing your story: please dm me on twitter @paigefinnn. Links, stories, example investment memos, groups - you name it :)



I would highly suggest creating a Twitter, as it's a great way to learn in public, connect with people you admire, and stay updated on this corner of the world. It's the medium of choice for all things startup/vc. Here's a great video for 'crushing it on twitter':

How to Crush it on Twitter: David Perell and Matthew Kobach Workshop

The Holloway Guide to Using Twitter - Holloway

Why Twitter Is Dope And How To Use It

People to Follow on Twitter


Glossary of Terms

Do you speak VC? 30+ jargons and acronyms you should know

Startup canon