How to use this guide

There's no magic "3 easy steps to start a blockchain club" guide that will actually get you results. Instead, at any point in time, the best way to grow your club is very context-dependent. Thus this guide should be used less like a recipe and more like a playbook - the goal is to help you build a mindset for thinking about your club and equip you with an arsenal of strategies and tactics that work well in certain situations.

So don't treat this like a bible. Don't blindly try stuff from this guide. Instead, understand the needs of your club and try to choose the best action. As you spend more time on your club, you'll naturally gain more of an intuition for this.

That out of the way, let's talk about...

The most important thing

You learned above that the reason clubs are valuable for accelerating the blockchain industry is because they bring more high-quality people into the industry. Then what, do you reckon, is the most important thing when it comes to building a valuable club?

The most important thing is the number of high-quality members your club is able to pull into the industry.

This should be the primary KPI for your club's success - maybe even the only one. Every successful club has at least a few high-quality members, and all of them are working on something in Web3.

That said, the meaning of "high-quality member" is rather vague and can have many interpretations. This is up to you to decide, but, in general, "high-quality members" are the kinds of people that are most valuable for the industry, which tend to have the following traits:

To increase that KPI, successful clubs do each of the following:

  1. Recruiting - Pull in interested college students