Step 1: Gather Interested Individuals Start by spreading the word about your blockchain club. Utilize social media platforms, student forums, and physical posters to attract students interested in blockchain technology. Organize an introductory meeting to gauge interest and gather potential members.

Step 2: Define the Club's Mission and Objectives Hold a brainstorming session with interested individuals to define the mission and objectives of your blockchain club. Determine the purpose of the club, whether it's education, networking, project development, or a combination of these. Organizations that set clear objectives with measurable outcomes generally succeed better because they can clearly measure their progress and unite around key metrics. We also highly recommend that you prioritize quality members over quantity of members and get building!

Clubs pitch decks:

Step 3: Elect Club Leadership Establish a leadership structure within the club. Hold elections or nominations for key positions such as President, Vice President, Treasurer, and Secretary. These roles will help ensure effective organization and accountability.

Step 4: Create a Constitution or Bylaws Develop a constitution or bylaws that outline the club's structure, rules, and responsibilities of its members. Include information about membership, leadership roles, meeting frequency, decision-making processes, and other relevant guidelines. This document will serve as a reference point for club operations. — include Bylaws template

Step 5: Organize Regular Meetings Schedule regular meetings to keep members engaged and informed. Set a consistent meeting time and place to accommodate everyone's schedules. Meetings can be weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly, depending on the availability of members. Consider rotating the meeting format, such as guest speakers, workshops, or project updates.

Location is an integral part of your meeting’s success. So make sure you delegate location booking to the right person who can get the most easily accessible spots with a great setting for socializing and not just lectures.

Step 6: Provide Educational Resources Blockchain is a complex field, so it's crucial to provide educational resources for members. Arrange presentations, workshops, and tutorials to share knowledge and explore different aspects of blockchain technology. Encourage members to contribute their expertise and organize educational sessions themselves — BAF can provide food and drinks.

Step 7: Foster Networking Opportunities Create a network of blockchain enthusiasts by organizing networking events. Invite professionals, guest speakers, and industry experts to share their experiences and insights. Attend blockchain conferences, workshops, and hackathons as a club to broaden members' exposure to the industry. Don’t hesitate to reach out to speakers online to do a Twitter space with them!

How to organize an event with BAF

Step 8: Get Building! Encourage members to collaborate on practical projects related to blockchain technology. These projects can range from developing blockchain-based applications, organizing blockchain-themed competitions, or conducting research in the field. Provide mentorship and resources to support project development. The best way to overcome imposter syndrome is to get building.

To help you get started, we put together an ideas board for when you don’t know what to build and a hackathons calendar to make friends to build with!